Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Saturday the 18th

Grace heard that Bo was coming... so she waited... and she waited....
And then she was here!!! (BTW check out that bruise! Poor thing!)
Bo gave her the annual doll and Grace knew right where to put it. She immediatley took it to the other two Bo had given her and set it down. Now she has newborn, 1 year old, and 2 year old!! Thank you, Bo!!

Bo gave her other awesome gifts too-! Magna doodle and Play Doh!!!!!! DOH!!! Awesome!
After our visit with Kaitlyn and Bo we went to Target and found...

UNCLE JER!!! Aunt Kotie, Auntie Tina, Hailey and Sara!!!!!!!!!!

Well--- in THIS one of the bunch we took, at least they are all facing the camera, and Hailey is smiling!!
Dress up time!!!!!!!!!!!
What else you got in there, Grandma?!!

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